I have once again morphed into my mother. I am not talking about the classic mother-isms my sisters and I heard, such as, "When I was your age and the dinosaurs were stomping around..." or better yet..."Wear clean underwear in case you are in an accident." :insert eye-roll:
Nope, I am talking about writing friendly little reminders to none other than...ahem... myself. You see, my husband and I have been joking around lately how we can not remember anything unless we write it down.
Which reminds me...
I can remember it all oh so very clearly...It is 1977. I am a Senior in High School. My alarm clock goes off at 6:30 a.m. I trudge into the bathroom and lo and behold, this seventeen year old self-absorbed teenager,finds annoying yellow post-its all over the bathroom mirror.
Honestly Mom, do you really need all of these post-it's all over the mirror? Now I only have a small square of mirror, ugh! It did not end there in the bathroom. Downstairs in the kitchen on the cabinets, on the counter tops, on the kitchen faucet for goodness sake! More post-its!
Honestly Mom, do you really need all of these post-it's all over the mirror? Now I only have a small square of mirror, ugh! It did not end there in the bathroom. Downstairs in the kitchen on the cabinets, on the counter tops, on the kitchen faucet for goodness sake! More post-its!
"Return library books" "Make out check for field trip" "Garage sale this Saturday at Elks Lodge"
Here it is 2011. I have been using Post-it's for years now.
Who knew these handy little notes would make such a difference in my life! The mornings are a lot smoother when I am greeted with messages written the night before I go to bed. It is like having a private secretary kindly reminding me. "Liz, don't forget your yogurt for lunch."
I have stacks of these Post-it's, 100 in a pack, 4 x 6 and some are even lined! An added plus!
Mom would love these! Hmmm, Mother's Day is around the corner...