How many of you recognize that line from Rod Stewart's song? I remember hearing it on the radio many years ago, but I never really paid attention to all of the lyrics since I was not a huge fan of Rod's ~ sorry about that Rod ole chap...but I did enjoy the chorus and would scream along with that rhaspy voice of his.
I called my Mom a couple of weeks ago to catch up and see how she was doing. We engaged in our routine conversation of questions & answers concerning her health, my family, the weather, and of course re-hashing old memories. I was surprised when she asked me if I knew who Rod Stewart is, and I said sure, I remember a few of his songs and how he "went disco" in the eighties and didn't he just become a Dad again at the age of 70 or something? She went on to tell me the gossipy details and mentioned she and her friend, John, were interested in purchasing tickets to see him perform in Boston.
After I got off the phone, I typed, "Every picture tells a story, don't it?" into Google. I found the lyrics, and read them. Of course, what jumped out at me was the chorus, and I burst out laughing. For some reason, I flashbacked to the 1970's. It was the first day of school, and time to pose for the obligatory "first day of school" photograph.
I recall it was a very warm September morning. I was fourteen or fifteen and did not want to deal with this stupid ritual My two younger sisters and I absolutely did not want to deal with Mom's photoshoot. We protested to no avail, making faces, and squinting into the sun, while being told to smile! After we endured what seemed to be hours of torture, she was satisfied with that one great picture for "First Day of School: 1974"
I am posting the one photo I am sure she was not thrilled with, but I am so glad it has survived. Every picture tells a story, don't it?
The good old days!! You all look thrilled in the picture!